Like a naked dove bar dipping into the dark chocolate coating over and over, so was my recent ten day training with my teacher Shiva Rea. I was at the studio at 6:30-7am each day, sweating, scribbling notes, bending myself, twisting my brain and my body, stretching and growing, dipping myself into that vat of sweet yoga chocolate. Coating myself thoroughly, being sure not one spec of my pure white vanilla ice cream self was left exposed. At the end of the day I’d stiffly walk the two blocks home, eat, read the study materials, work on sequencing and fall into a deep slumber. Wake up at 6am the next morning and do it again. Dousing, dipping, plunging....
As I listened daily to my dear husband holding down the home front, I learned that LIFE was still happening at home, in FULL SWING. The unexpected in life; broken wrists, dog hit by car (happy to report both are fine and mending) and of course the more common of life, the laundry machine breaking, cooking/cleaning, grocery shopping. I shared and learned from my fellow “yogic dove bars” in the training with me that their lives too were still in full swing back home. All while we moved into our 100th downward dog of the day with our delicious chocolate coatings still wet. Huh, I really didn’t HAVE to do it all, I couldn’t do it all, at least not right now! To have ONE thing to solely focus on for an extended period of time, ONE thing to deeply engage in. Just ONE thing to occupy myself with, to go to sleep with and wake up to and carry with me throughout the entire day. When was the last time ONE thing got my complete and full attention? In my incredibly speedy, over scheduled, pulled 1000 directions world, I often do many many things in a 24 hour period, but honestly not ONE of them is done really well. I learned that sometimes it is necessary to pick one thing and plunge, dip, douse, duck, dunk, submerge yourself into it. No nuts, no whip cream, no fancy sprinkles, no extras, just ONE thing. Back home now, I have somehow found more space, mentally and emotionally, to attend to my life. The daily full swing of groceries, work, carpools, kids, and dinners seem to have a vastness to them now. I have more room in me.
Pick your “dove bar” and dive in, your vat of sweet dark chocolate awaits!
My immersion mala of choice was the “Ayu”. The rudraksha beads are now very dark with the
my experience while the south sea pearl’s luster is activated. The shortened length of this mala
was perfect for the practice of yoga. I am still wearing it but will be taking it off soon for the first
time in a month or so. Whenever I go to wear this mala again I will certainly be reminded of my
yogic dove bar experience. See our selection for you at