Wear Peace Mission:

WEAR PEACE offers a piece of peace for your daily life, infusing routine with meaning. All of our designs are made with much love, prayer and care, and we extend our business through honesty and authenticity. Our exquisite belongings support, reinforce and connect those who are seeking and those that have arrived within themselves. At WEAR PEACE it is our goal/hope to be a familiar adornment, that fuses fashion, style and promise while exposing our own inherent inner beauty and peace. At WEAR PEACE, our essential nature is peace. We're Peace.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanks. Giving.

Thanks. Giving.

Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.
-- Hamilton Wright Mabie

At this time of gratitude, Bali Malas extends a deep bow to you, our fans, supporters, customers, net workers and all around Bali Mala advocates.    On a snowy evening five years ago, with my dear friend Soma (the creator of all Bali Malas) visiting from Bali, our little rudraksha mala business was born.  On that night, Soma shared with me her vision of bringing her rudraksha mala designs to the west.  Even though I did not know a RUDRAKSHA from an ACAI berry back then (but do now!) and I often got the word mala confused with the word lama, I thought it was a fabulous idea and immediately jumped at the opportunity.

In these five years, never having operated or owned a business before this, I have been humbled,  bumbled,  and flowed, but mostly I've strived to develop an "awakened business".  We have gone from a whim of an idea to a full fledged business with staff, inventory and everything!  From our very first on line sale (thank you Dave Barry!) to over 400 on line sales so far  this year.  We are in over 50 retail locations in 13 states with an even larger distribution through our partners at White Swan Music.  Growing slowly, but growing we are.   I have learned much about business, but more importantly I have learned about you.  You can't be taken for granted, you can't be given half truths, and when given respect, compassion, honesty and care, you will blossom into the most loyal, heartwarming, supporters any small business could ever ask for.

Sometimes, especially in these busy times, I forget to take a moment and realize what our business is doing.  Sometimes, like in these busy times, I forget how sacred and special our products are,  and can be, to each of you.  What they are to me. I've learned I must stay "awake" in our business to have the business that I want to be, and am proud to be,  a part of.

I have kept a file I call "sweet nothings" of emails I've collected  from you through the years.  Your support and kind words have helped keep Bali Malas going when at times, I wasn't sure I wanted it to.  Here is a sampling of what you've all sent to me that has encouraged me through the years.

"The girls and I LOVE our latest acquisitions from you... they are GORGEOUS!... truly.... "  - Debbie
"Thank you for sharing and please keep offering up your thoughts - you are touching lives and hearts!" - Jolene
"I received the necklace several days ago. It has already had a positive effect in my life."  -Richard
"simply want to say how much i love your products, what you're doing, the feeling i get from your mala, and on and on. basically, thank you! love and peace." - Rachel
"The mala and the matching bracelet just arrived.  Both are very beautiful and you have an extremely happy customer.  My partner will also have a beautiful smile on Christmas day now :-)" - Dave

We are truly blessed to have you as our customers.  Thank you for trusting us with your friends, your families and with yourselves.  Thank you for being willing to adorn the beauty of what you are, to enhance your gorgeous self, with Bali Malas.  It was five years ago and still is today Bali Malas' intent to restore vibrancy, compassion and healing to our planet by the wearing of rudraksha beads.

Wear Peace