Wear Peace Mission:

WEAR PEACE offers a piece of peace for your daily life, infusing routine with meaning. All of our designs are made with much love, prayer and care, and we extend our business through honesty and authenticity. Our exquisite belongings support, reinforce and connect those who are seeking and those that have arrived within themselves. At WEAR PEACE it is our goal/hope to be a familiar adornment, that fuses fashion, style and promise while exposing our own inherent inner beauty and peace. At WEAR PEACE, our essential nature is peace. We're Peace.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Practical Matters

Getting through the tough stuff

These past six months have been a time of love, longing, joy, prayer, pee in my pants laughter, all night long crying jags, unexpected tears flowing from a yoga pose, meltdowns at grocery stores, faith questioning, and so much fear and worry that I have been at times paralyzed.  As I have mentioned in my past writings, my eldest son is currently deployed in Afghanistan.  One result of these trying months is that I will begin to teach introductory yoga to returning student veterans on the University of Boulder Colorado campus this fall.

Through this time I've found some great friends and support communities, like the organization Give Back Yoga. In preparation for my veterans yoga class, I have been studying the book "Overcoming Trauma through Yoga", by David Emerson, and Bali Malas is in design production for a special mala as a support tool for those of us left behind when loved ones take, or are given, such difficult paths.  In this life, most of us, at one time or another, will inevitably be dealt the cards of a son off to war, a husband recovering from an illness, a parent moving into assisted care, a best friend finding a lump in her breast, finding ourselves unemployed, or the dreaded 2am phone call.  I have learned that there are some practical matters to assist us all when we are faced with such worry, concern, fear and trauma.  Whatever the (worst) case here are my suggestions:   
  • get some nerve tonic or kava kava, available at health food stores, best for the initial first weeks WTF? times
  • try to be nice to others around you, its not always easy as your fuse is seriousuly shortened by the fears
  • take your vitamins
  • red wine and chocolate, do watch your doses
  • get in and stay in your body
  • move, exercise, hike, massage all help with above staying connected to your body bit
  • don't allow your body to numb out, keep it invovled in the process, moving it will also move the trauma/fear through
  • get outside at least once a day, even in rain, for just the sole purpose of looking at the sky
  • get outside at night as much as possible, you can communicate through the stars and the moon, knowing these are the same moon/stars shining their miracles down on all involved
  • drink water, lots, preferrably princess (princess water in my home is by S. Pellegrino, I am often not found without the iconic green bottle at hand)
  • breathe deep often, actual heavy sighs are best and most releasing
  • pray.  ask others to put him on their prayer/intentions lists, go for broke here, you'll be surprised
  • send out information/details, try a bit of a broader reach than perhaps your regualr intimate friend base
  • reply to every single reply you get
  • vision board, the homecoming, the healing, the end result
  • get ass to yoga class
  • journal and keep notes, it helps you in retrospect know how things are improving
  • teach, share, volunteer, give
  • learn to knit, knit socks
  • breathe in fresh air
  • find a support group, online, in person, may not need be related even to the "issue"
  • stay busy, travel, but all in balance, be sure to not move too fast
  • did I mention to breathe deep
  • go to a yoga fesitaval
  • surround yourself with upbeat, positive thinkers and doers
  • do not forget about others in your life, ie. other kids, husband.  They will be your rocks
  • listen to good music, dance
  • have a small spray bottle of rose water in handbag at all times, best way to soften tear streaks after a parking lot crying jag
  • find a mala, find a practice
  • educate yourself on the situation, but only as much as you want to be educated
  • mantra, this too shall pass
  • get professional help
  • ask others you trust if above is needed if you're wondering
  • be a bit british, keep calm and carry on
  • keep phone charged and close in reach if you think you may be hearing from them
  • answer the wierd numbers that you don't recognize and would normally ignore
  • go to the movies
  • get really big dark sunglasses to go to grocery store in - to cover the bags under your eyes
p.s. with any luck my son should be home by mid September.  My affirmation is that he will return happy, healthy, and whole, and with much love/support and these above mentioned practical matters, so should his mom : )

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Be. Longing....
To be completely seen, through and through.   Some dread it, some crave it.  I have to say I am in the later camp, I adore it when I'm seen, and a bit frightened too.  We all have a primary human desire that several psychologists call a "Sense of Belonging".  After food, water, shelter we all want to belong.  To belong to something, a family, a tribe, a group, a band!  Beings long.  Be Long.  Belongings.   With the evolution of Bali Malas we will be working on this concept of belonging and belongings.  We are excited to be bringing to the site some new, truly exquisite belongings this fall.  Pieces that assist transition, wearing peace, supporting peace in partnerships, all the while aiding us in our sense of belonging, wether it be as a part of something (specially designed mala from yoga trainings) or apart, separate yet connected to something or someone  (your favorite teacher's mala).

Being SEEN in all our glory, through the eyes of someones heart, is a beautiful, intimidating, scary, glorious thing.  What if they see ALL of it, the pimples, the tears, the scars?  Like a tide pulling out before the tsunami of love hits you.  Exposing the sea shells, old tires and rusted tin cans.  We've hopefully all experienced this love wave in some form at several points in our life.  A graduation day, our wedding day, a special birthday or under the tent made of sheets with your lover.  More often than not, after we've exposed or been exposed in someway first.  One of my favorite experiences is to have my children be seen, by that teacher,  a friend,  a neighbor.  Those are the moments I want to just thrust upon that "seer" my love wave. To know someone "gets" them, has seen the old tin cans and rough edges that we all have, and adores them even the more because of it.   The sense of be longing.  beings long.  be-longings.  What are your be longings? 
Wear Peace. Exquisite belongings

What does it mean? 

"Where there is Peace, there is Culture; 
Where there is Culture, there is Peace." 
- Nicholas Roerich

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"March winds are the morning yawn of spring."
~Lewis Grizzard

 Under the snow, the mud and the muck are all those tiny, tender seeds that have been planted.  You may even have forgotten you planted them, or what they are, or where and when they are planted.  As I pick through my south facing garden, pulling out of the rose bushes a few shreds of holiday wrapping paper and the pine wreath (that used to welcome our holiday guests but has since lived under a snow bank for months) I am surprised to see a plethera of tender, pale green shoots just popping through the wet, deep, brown crust.  Hmm, what is that plant?  Are those the iris's or the tulips or a weed?  Do I really not remember back to last spring?  What was it I maybe planted there in the fall, some obscure bulb from that garden catalog? 

I hope to recall more readily what I have planted in the garden of my own heart.  I am learning that my "mission statement, be it with business or with life, is the roots of all that I grow.  Print out your mission statement, put it somewhere that you see it everyday.  Try to match each step of progress/action with your mission statement as its root.  What would your mission statement sprout?  With awareness I am planting several things to tend through this tenuous time of spring.  Careful to not let others walk on my tender leaves, the newest growth.

I've created a "vision board", and designed a macro and micro calendar, all the while asking myself what is it I want to accomplish, why and by when?  Looking at my macro calendar, from now until the summer solstice I've listed my goals/desires around my relationships, job, family etc.  Things like " Daily practice, Stand in my 500 hour certication, Develop a strong teaching base, Improve my relationships with my son and parents, Embrace my lioness, Spruce up our business image".  I then work backwards from the current approaching Spring Equinox and ask what will be done between now and June 21st to accomplish my macro outlook?  I've written here things like " Have "dates" with my mom and son every other week, Daily asana, Write out class development, Find a new logo for Bali Malas."    What seeds do you want to plant, to cultivate, to fertilize, tend to and water?  What small steps daily can be taken?  What bigger steps weekly and bigger still per month?  Time can easily fly by, so slow it down, look at it, feel the dirt in your fingernails, and remember your life is in your control.  You can formulate how you want it to look, feel, smell.  What you will reap at harvest, what fruits you will enjoy as the days get longer, slower, warmer?  Now is the time to tend the garden of your own heart.  How does your garden grow?

With names like Dearly Beloved, Pink Martini, Om Shanti and The Muse, and encompassing sunny citrine, smokey amethyst, mauve fresh water pearls, tulsi, rubies and sapphires, our spring collection is certainly worth investigating......

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Lioness

The Lioness

Has Been Awakened

I was born under the sign of the lion, and I do posses many of the typical Leo traits.  I like grandeur, lavish living, children, and praise, lots of praise.  I do not like penny pinching, mean spiritedness, and the ins and outs of boring day to day living (yawn).   However, I do think the majority of my lioness traits have been dormant most of my life.  Nonetheless, these last few years my Leo-self has bent and floated into asanas I never could have imagined.  I have built a conscious business, growing it each year.  I have taught hundreds of yogis and have just completed my 500 hr teacher training with Shiva Rea.  All these events being instrumental to the awakening of my inner Leo, my truest nature.  My lioness has awoken.

Easing into the new year, I have been working on my organizing/arranging/sacred planning for 2012.  (Via my on line sadhana group with Shiva Rea.)  I've been asking myself some questions, what is my experience of myself currently? What is my vision of myself at the end of this next 365 day cycle around the sun?  What do I want to see in my business, my relationships, my health, my creativity, my spirituality? Not exactly easily answered questions, but questions that have led to much pondering and introspection.   I am learning January is an excellent time to muse, to plant future seeds/goals and directions for the new year ahead. 
During my contemplation of the afore mentioned  questions the image of a lioness kept arising.  The lioness who takes care of her young, who lives amongst a tribe, who is in many ways a "householder", all similar circumstances to my own.  Here is how I answered my own inquiry:

"She has begun her new year journey walking stealthily on her huge padded feet into her world of business, children, house holding, spirituality and love. As her feet leave a delicate imprint in the soft new ground of 2012 you will see her sway and swagger with each step.  Her gentle sloping shoulders reflecting her relaxation, her amply cushioned feet gracefully flowing in front of her with each day.  Crouching down to examine things a bit closer, taking "cat" naps in the sun.  Perking up her ears to listen better, and not afraid to growl and bare her teeth if she deems necessary simultaneously shifting to a meditative purr.  She is surrounded by her ever supporting tribe, for she has learned "you are the company you keep."   Her body is healthy and tone, eyes bright with ferocity.  Most noticeable is her heart that is alighted with the fire that she continually tends.  This lioness has been awakened and is ready to gracefully traverse her way through the expanse."

I encourage you to grab your journal and begin pondering and questioning, planning and compass pointing.  You may be ever so pleasantly surprised at what you've cultivated upon reflection on December 31, 2012.