Wear Peace Mission:

WEAR PEACE offers a piece of peace for your daily life, infusing routine with meaning. All of our designs are made with much love, prayer and care, and we extend our business through honesty and authenticity. Our exquisite belongings support, reinforce and connect those who are seeking and those that have arrived within themselves. At WEAR PEACE it is our goal/hope to be a familiar adornment, that fuses fashion, style and promise while exposing our own inherent inner beauty and peace. At WEAR PEACE, our essential nature is peace. We're Peace.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


One of my favorite things about working with a company based in Bali is to learn all the traditions and holidays.  I love getting an email in response to some request I have that states “sorry but we are closed for the next three days for Galungan”.  Galungan?  This of course prompts me to investigate more what that holiday/celebration is all about.  Bali is not lacking for celebrations, and while we were there last spring it seemed there was one each day .   Bali has a unique calendar that displays all of these holidays in its cycle of 210 days.  Galungan occurs once in the 210-day cycle of the Balinese calendar, and marks the time of the year when the spirits of the ancestors are believed to visit the earth.   This is a ten day holiday, with the last three days being of the most importance, the final day being Kuningan
I am told that Galungan is the most important holiday symbolizing the victory of Virtue (Dharma) upon Evil (Adharma). Galungan is the most important feast for Balinese Hindus, a celebration to honor the creator of the universe (Ida Sang Hyang Widi) and the spirits of the honored ancestors.   Our designers tell us it is big like Christmas is big here. 
During Galungan the whole island sprouts tall bamboo poles called "penjor" - these are usually decorated with fruit, coconut leaves, and flowers, and set up on the right of every residence entrance. At each gate, you'll also find small bamboo altars set up especially for the holiday, each one bearing woven palm-leaf offerings for the spirits, set on the right side of every house entrance. People are attired in their finest clothes and jewels this day.  The arch of the penjor represents Mt. Agung, the body is river that flows from the mountains to the sea, and along its route are the products of the harvest, tied to the pole; at the foot of the pole is a temporary shrine.
So I wish you all a very happy Galungan, and encourage you to ponder upon Virtue/Dharma victory over Adharm/Evil and to pray/meditate upon your ancestors, those that have passed before on this planet so that you my be here now.  With much gratitude....